Our Lake is half Full, Our Lake is half Empty

lake's mud now blooms
lake’s mud now blooms ~d nelson

Paddling hard against the wind
steady, energetic strokes
in time with breathing.
heart, paddle, lake synchronized
going both somewhere and nowhere at all.
kayak meditation on our half-filled lake.

mind identifies vital life sources:
wind breathed in, breezeย breathed out
water pulsing within, water waves splashing without.
no need for thinking,
mind relaxes, as a passenger
on this shimmering moment’s bon voyage.

sitting relaxed as wind carries me back
going by a fisherman who cries there’s no fish.
instead of whispering about the one’s
as big as alligators, flopping in the shallows
i spare him the fish story and nod
about drought causing lake’s half-emptiness.

on shore a young man shouts
at his girlfriend across the parking lot.
under the influence of anger, despair, joblessness.
so hard to be both alive and dead these days
needing to make a living for food & feeling whole
when there is no right to work.

all i think to do is listen, breathing calmly.
i offer him myย sandwich and fruit
in exchange for a hand;
putting the boat uponย the roof rack.
for the moment there is no yelling.
just smiles carried across the water by wind towards freedom.

happy as loons
happy as loons

Today’s paddle poemย reminds me ofย a story told by Thich Nhat Hanh about a farmer whose only horse ran away. The villagers bemoaned the bad luck of the farmer. Later, the horse returned with a second horse. โ€œWhat a lucky man!โ€ the villagers proclaimed. The farmerโ€™s son tried to tame the wild horse and was thrown off, braking his leg. โ€œHow unlucky,โ€ the villagers said. The next day, the army came through the village and took every able-bodied young man to fight in the war. The farmerโ€™s son was spared because of his broken leg. And so it goes. Riding waves within a glass, which is both half empty &ย half full.



31 responses to “Our Lake is half Full, Our Lake is half Empty”

  1. Audrey Dawn - Oldest Daughter Redheaded Sister Avatar

    Thanks for the reminder… A great way to start my day.

    1. smilecalm Avatar

      appreciate knowing that your day
      is underway in balance, Audrey! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Tom McCubbin Avatar
    Tom McCubbin

    So pretty!

    1. smilecalm Avatar

      thanks Tom for reminding me
      of the fresh greens and blues!

  3. ShethP Avatar

    Love the lines, “no need for thinking” and “so hard to be both alive and dead these days”. ๐Ÿ™‚

    A meaningful poem and lovely as well. You have described the setting perfectly, looking at things from a wider viewpoint… It invokes a sense of sadness but then again, we have to remind ourselves that our glass will always be half full. Thank you for sharing! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. smilecalm Avatar

      thank you for your kind words Sheth!
      the words came out unexpectedly
      from whence they began ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. KM Huber Avatar

    Absolutely beautiful and for me, particularly illustrative. In the subtropical climate where I live, sinkholes are common. If a lake is left after a sinkhole opens up, it is perhaps half full, maybe less but it still is. Thanks!

    1. smilecalm Avatar

      that’s something i’ve not experienced, Karen!
      lakes appearing where there was a neighborhood.

  5. Ann Koplow Avatar

    I love the poem. And the story is one I have been telling people for many years. Thank you for all of it.

    1. smilecalm Avatar

      i’m glad you like it Ann!
      thanks for letting me know ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. lorriebowden Avatar

    You painted the pictures with your words. I feel as though I was sitting in the kayak with you witnessing it all occur around us. Lovely ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. smilecalm Avatar

      very kind of you to make me feel like a painter!

  7. Val Boyko Avatar

    Happy as loons … kayaking … and all the world doing its stuff around you. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. smilecalm Avatar

      yes, Val
      being on the lake
      brings out the loon
      and stuff happens ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. oldpoet56 Avatar

    My wife and I both like this piece of work, it is a very good read.

    1. smilecalm Avatar

      thank you for kindly commenting, oldpoet56!

  9. elisepeeples Avatar

    wind breathed in, breeze breathed out.

    i love this line!
    Thanks for your thoughtfulness.

    1. smilecalm Avatar

      appreciate your kindly noticing, Elise!

  10. janyasilad Avatar

    Woah..I might have jumped (and freaked) over that drifting wood!

    1. smilecalm Avatar

      fortunately it wasn’t moving too fast
      didn’t look too scary
      and was only wood!
      thanks for not jumping ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. L'Adelaide Avatar

    This deeply touched me. In gratitude…

    1. smilecalm Avatar

      smiling to your kind words ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Genie Avatar

    I love how you paint a story and at the same time take us on a meditation journey.

    1. smilecalm Avatar

      sounds wonderful to hear it that way, Genie!
      reflecting upon the day
      it seemed to come out in those words ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. harulawordsthatserve Avatar

    This is so powerful, the poem really brings me right there, I can hear the water lapping at the side of the kayak, I can see the angry young man’s face as it turns into a smile and I am humbled. I hope I can learn from this to do the same in such a situation, not just judge and walk on by, but find a way to offer someone a bridge back to feeling good about themselves by being able to help another…precious lesson, thank you. With much gratitude, Harula xxx

    1. smilecalm Avatar

      i appreciate your kindly
      being there with me!
      gives the experience
      a whole new meaning ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Brendan Golub Avatar

    Your blog is spectacular. Thanks for sharing such great insight, quotes, words of wisdom, and your experience. I will be sure to check in often! – Brendan

    1. smilecalm Avatar

      thank you, Brendan
      for sharing your kindness with me!
      may your day be well ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. TamrahJo Avatar

    I love the story of the farmer and the horse – was first introduced to it via the movie, “Charlie Wilson’s War” – added to the cadre of memories that I pull out to examine every time I get stressed over life – a great reminder to me of how our life experience is directly related to the stories we choose to tell ourselves…

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