Category: Life

  • Mother’s Soft Petal’s Provenance

    As she fell into slumber I strummed a sweet song the last time her eyes were open. Accepting she’s been gone for many years, I still write her letters of gratitude, forgiveness & love. Your motherly love; my bouquet’s foundation. The universe revealed upon looking into your eyes. Though dusk looms now as my pedals…

  • Gardener’s Golden Protection

    Years ago a master gardener was asked how to keep the landscape of mind beautiful, healthy, happy & gratified. Teacher advised to water the beneficial seeds, avoid watering harmful ones. Seeds of kindness, compassion and insight exist alongside those of fear, craving and hatred. When anger, worry, anxiety or despair arise, don’t let them bloom…

  • No Barriers of the Heart

    Mountains, oceans, deserts & more; Mother Nature’s gifts of geographic diversity. Over time, ancestors found ways of overcoming challenging barriers and experiencing personal discoveries. Yet for all their seemingly impressive conquests many failed to find a most precious treasure; true happiness of their heart. Looking for happiness, contentment & love out there, somewhere; maybe it’s…

  • Fang’s 16th Birthday Present for You

    Fang the Terrible is happy to offer a special gift to the world on his 16th birthday. When you need the physical healing of touch, a warm, furry embrace, hug & warm, wet lick, he’s already there for you Offering unconditional love and the best companionship, what more can a person want? A contemplation-worthy question.…

  • Nourishing Roots, Cleaning Streams

    Taking relaxed refuge in Nature. In time, seeing my parent’s parents’ roots in nature. Then back further, before human beings. Deepest roots from where all animals, plants, living & non-living, incarnate. Finding safe comfort in Nature. In time, seeing the silt, dirt, run-off & debris. Cleaning my stream’s toxic mental formations; thoughts, emotions & consciousness.…

  • Our Cloud Never Dies

    From highest high peaks towards street level & lower our cloud continues, falling, dancing, splashing, sustaining life, steadily settling into calm clarity. Recognizing our cloud, within proffers insightful glimpses: nature’s cycles persisting as they always have; inter-playfully patient & wise, manifesting of elements, energies & unknown; all when conditions are just right. Isn’t it a…

  • February Promises

      Yes, another coldest night followed by another coldest day felt in delicate, dark, places of fragility in earth’s life forms, big & small. Slowly breathing in this coldness compassionately breathing out warmth. Thawing mine & the world’s blossoms; Once revealed, grateful at being witnessed. This morning’s warmed moment’s potential of next warmed moment’s possible…

  • Bloom’s New Continuance

    Wonderful, our continuation into this new year, dear refreshed fellow, yet fragile blossoms in the garden of humanity.

  • Traffic Cone Cycle Slalom

    Been hurt going too fast finally has slowed me down. Yet, even moving slowly, no faster than I can pedal, seemingly unavoidable obstacles hinder otherwise graceful momentum. Hints of road rage become bells of mindfulness to momentarily pause, breathe calmly & smile. Upon remembering I’m alive & well, compassion is borne for myself & others…